Six Days Until Volume One

Welcome to Monday!

Six days remaining and I’ve not written a single word  today– nursing a killer headache and a whole lot of other stuff getting done like laundry and such. I’m reminded every day that despite what life might tell us about how crappy people can be to one another (think Rwanda), there are also those groups of people that, while they might be in the minority of the population, are not to be ignored for their compassion and humanity.

It’s people like those (who know who they are), that inspire others to goodness and, I truly believe and hope, improve the world around us just by their being there. I’ve been very, very blessed to know some of these people. . . I hope that one day I’ll be in a position to follow their example and help someone else out too.

Those people know who they are and may or may not appear in the acknowledgments of my entries, so I’m not going to embarrass them except to say thank you.


Thank you.

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